What Is Actualized.org - The Big Picture of Personal Development


Word count:13819

[Music] what is actualized.org such a gargantuan question i don't even know where to begin but i guess i could summarize it as this actualize.org is a catalog for those of you who are new it's a catalog of the most powerful concepts that i have pursued and studied and discovered in my own life in order to make sense of what life and reality are and how to live the best life possible it's focused specifically on the biggest picture perspective what you'll find out there if you're getting into self-help and self-improvement advice this is a giant field with many sub-fields and mostly what you get within all these different subfields are narrow specialists who give you a little bit of advice about this narrow region of your life or that narrow region of your life whether it's business advice relationship advice family advice career advice emotional advice advice about your addiction problems or your weight problems or your money problems or whatever else and don't get me wrong all of that is very useful and good but as i entered into self-help originally just for myself not as a teacher or as a coach or as some guru but just for my own self when i got into it maybe 15 years ago when i first discovered it maybe when i first picked up my first tony robbins book it was great but the problem that i had from the very beginning is that it wasn't holistic enough it didn't really give me the understanding the depth was lacking nobody brought all the different puzzle pieces together into one cohesive image nobody really wanted to understand reality for reality's sake they were just providing advice for how to satisfy some personal petty need like money or sex or love or whatever and those are fine to satisfy those but i wanted something more and as i started reading all these different books and all these learning from all these different teachers taking courses and workshops and so on i started encountering various profound concepts almost like principles by which one could orient his or her life and i started making notes and writing these down and i became very enthusiastic about creating a catalog of all of these and i was amazed that such a catalog basically didn't exist anywhere online and so my mission my project became to create this catalog and so that's what actualize.org is in a nutshell it's this catalog of hundreds of episodes eventually it's probably going to be thousands of episodes dealing with important principles and concepts for how to live the good life and how to understand how to live the good life we cover a very broad range of subtopics and subfields we cover basic self-improvement advice we cover some relationship advice we cover some health advice we do a lot of psychological work we cover various fields within psychology developmental psychology i focus a lot on but we also look into positive psychology we take from psychoanalysis and from various therapies within psychology that have been developed we take and pull uh useful nuggets from that we're basically pulling useful nuggets from from anywhere that we can find we pull from philosophy we pull from epistemology from metaphysics from science from history from sociology from anthropology from systems theory and systems thinking and uh and basically anything else that is useful to our ultimate objective which is what is reality how do i live the good life if i've got this one life which conventionally speaking is what we've got how do you know what to do with it see we both grow broad but we also go deep at the same time breadth times depth actually is called scope so the scope of actualize.org is beyond anything that you'll find anywhere out there as far as these kinds of teachings most teachers either have a lot of depth but very narrow breadth or are very broad a lot of depth but uh not very deep and we're trying to do both at the same time here so the core thing you have to understand is that when you were born you were born into a society which is still in the dark ages right now we fancy ourselves as these advanced beings living in the 21st century who have all this fancy technology and know so much about reality we basically believe we have reality all figured out except for a few minor details that's the general notion that is fed to you by society in school in university and just through mainstream media and elsewhere you just basically are indoctrinated in with this uh it's not even a belief per se it's just a very it's just sort of a background assumption that uh that that grounds your sense of reality and so we're living in the dark ages though we're not that advanced this is still the dark ages we know so little about reality we know less than one percent about reality less than one percent about how consciousness works how the human mind works how to live the good life we know so little there's still so much more to discover we know so little about how to structure our societies and our economies society right now as good as it might seem for some of you uh it's very brutal and cruel for many others and is filled with deep deep deep ignorance and close mindedness and misunderstanding so that's what we're tackling here one of the core things that will transform your whole life is understanding that the way that most people live their life all of your friends family members teachers everyone you basically know that they're living life at one percent of their capacity and they will never go beyond maybe two or three percent and that's with assuming they will be exceptional and do some basic self-help work which most people won't even do that see so there is there is a level of depth to life that you can live that is beyond anything that any human has ever taught you or led you to believe is possible these levels are so profound and so amazing that we could call them superhuman these are states and levels of consciousness and ways of embodying consciousness and living life that are beyond the human but this is not conventionally given to you as a possibility when you're growing up when you're growing up your culture indoctrinates you into basically accepting all the limitations and standards and norms of whatever culture you grew up in some are you are in more developed countries others of you are in less developed countries but even in the most developed countries the standards are still extremely low and so there's a sort of an artificial glass ceiling that's created on your potential as a human because see when you're born here's what you've got to understand you don't know anything about life you don't know what reality is and basically you still don't other than that you think you do because of all the stuff they taught you in school but really you don't and you didn't come with an instruction manual and in a sense that's what actualize that org is attempting to do is to create an instruction manual for life and for reality but it's much more tricky than you would ever imagine because it's not just some simple one two three step procedure that can be laid out in a linear order everybody just reads the manual goes through you know the first hundred pages and just follows the steps then gets a certain result it's way more complicated than that if you think about it you and i us humans we are the most advanced bio machines that have ever lived on this planet as far as we know over the last four billion years we have instruction manuals that come with our refrigerators and our washing machines and our computers but nobody gave us an instruction manual for how to operate this most sophisticated biomechanical device on the planet can you see how that might be a problem think of all the problems you can run into with your computer for example if you don't know how to operate it but how much more complex is your brain your mind your psychology and your body than uh even the most advanced super computers way beyond way beyond anything a computer can do this thing is doing every single minute of your life so the real question is when you're born into this life don't assume you understand life or reality and don't look to others for answers about how to get the mediocre results that they're getting because everybody around you is basically getting mediocre results in their life even if they're successful they're still getting mediocre results in terms of their internal mood emotional states and their consciousness and their psychology but the real question here is it's a meta question that you ask you don't start off life by saying okay well let me just go become a computer programmer or let me become a doctor or let me become an engineer or let me go get married or let me have a bunch of sex or let me get a bunch of money become a businessman on wall street these are all the wrong questions the first question the most fundamental question you have to ask is why am i here what's going on in the biggest possible picture perspective what's worthwhile doing and what isn't what are the traps and what am i how does my machine work if i think of myself as a machine how do i work what makes me tick and so most of your energy should be devoted not externally towards running around and doing crazy stuff in the world and having fun and entertainment and going to parties and getting into relationships and falling in love no all of that is distraction the true core of life if you want to live a good life is to turn your gaze inwards and to ask deep penetrating questions about how to live life and how your machine works and basically what i've discovered throughout my 15-year journey or so through self-help and spirituality is that all of our problems stem fundamentally from a lack of mastery of this machine and specifically of the mind the mind the mind its power is very much underappreciated and underestimated by most people because we live under what's known as the materialist paradigm where we tend to believe that we're living in a material objective three-dimensional world that exists independent of our minds and that our minds play some role within reality but a minor role basically and that there's not very much that the mind can do to change reality this is dead wrong you couldn't be more wrong this is one of the most pernicious assumptions and latent beliefs that people hold that creates that glass ceiling beyond which they can never grow beyond maybe one or two or three percent of their true potential as a human you have to start to see that the way that everybody around you is living their life including your family members brothers and sisters and parents your friends your teachers your co-workers your bosses the celebrities that you see on television the youtubers that you admire on youtube and elsewhere instagram models and so forth that this this is this is not how to live life this is all idiocy these people are not truly tapping into the potential of a human in living life and ultimately what do you want in life what is it you want you see because we assume that well you know leo it's studying the outer world that's really challenging like studying science is hard studying math is hard you know exploring the moon and mars outer planets in the solar system this is difficult stuff but don't we already know like what we want and who we are this is these sorts of questions what what use can come from these sorts of questions they seem very abstract and philosophical and kind of fluffy hairy fairy not very tangible you couldn't be more wrong you have no idea what you are on every level you don't know yourself at the physical level at the psychological level at the emotional level at the spiritual level you don't really understand yourself and of course if you think about it why would you you were born into this life but you don't know how you were born you don't really know where you came from or why you appeared you just mysteriously appeared out of nowhere one day here you are society gave you some stories about where you came from and how you got here and how it's all normal and there's nothing weird and mysterious going on and it's all not very special but life is very very special if you just take a moment to really reflect upon it in in solitude life is very special it's very mysterious it's not quite clear how you got here it's not clear where you're going and how to get there and where you're going to go in the ultimate end after you die so the key is to turn your attention inwards and to start to question how your mind influences how you see reality your mind is what generates all of your results in life now we're going to be talking about multiple levels of development here we're going to be talking about some advanced potential for spiritual stuff so when i'm talking about the ultimate potentials i'm talking about advanced spirituality but even before we get to that there are earlier levels of just self-improvement and self-actualization which are just more simple and down-to-earth and more practical and they can be just something as simple as learning how to take care of yourself financially stop being a wage slave becoming financially independent or dealing with your creative anxiety if you're an artist so you can do better art or dealing with some emotional attachments that you have so you can have nicer relationships or getting over certain fears that you have about starting a business or whatever this is all this is all great stuff this is where you start but but notice no matter what level you're at it's your mind that is the gatekeeper because it's through your mind that you interact with all of reality nothing comes to you other than through your mind everything all the people you interact with all the all the stuff you learn whether you're learning science or history that's coming through your own mind your mind is interpreting that stuff it's not just receiving raw facts and objective data from the world you're constantly interpreting making meanings out of it throwing away and ignoring things filtering stuff out coloring things with your own biases and putting your intentions and goals and objectives on certain things pursuing certain things while avoiding other things this is all the work of your mind so if you've been living an ordinary mediocre life up to this point getting rather mediocre results and suffering for it and the suffering could look like depression anxiety a lack of results it could look like sexual frustration it could look like wage slavery it could look like being stuck at your job and hating it it could look like motivational problems health problems emotional problems addictions uh a feeling of laziness and listless about life a lack of passion for life all of this you know how you develop passion for life by taking control of yourself and making yourself into a self-help project that's how you become passionate about life that's the work we're doing here there's a lot to this work this is a multi-decades-long project this is not something you do for a few years to get a quick result and then you stop this is something you do for the rest of your life in fact this is what gives life its zest and its juice without this life becomes utilitarian at some point once you get your girlfriend or your boyfriend or your husband or your wife or your car or your house or your business or whatever then life just becomes about maintaining that it becomes a grind and then that itself becomes a form of depression and suicidal thoughts and feeling of being trapped and frustrated and all that because you're living life at this very utilitarian survival level where you're just surviving like an animal that needs to stop you need to pursue life beyond survival that doesn't mean that you ignore survival needs you have survival needs many of them sexual ones financial ones emotional ones material ones by all means those need to be intelligently satisfied within reason and limits but uh but your eye needs to be on the prize the prize of life is living beyond survival it's living for something deeper connecting with life itself on an emotional intuitive spiritual level that's what makes life satisfying now make sure you don't make this mistake it might sound like at this point well leo how is this different from religion or from some other cult ideology it's very different because what i'm proposing here and actualize that org from the very beginning was conceived on non-dogmatic non-ideological grounds from the very beginning of this project i understood the dangers the epistemological dangers the very deep dangers of turning this sort of work into mindless debating and arguing about theoretical notions and beliefs systems getting locked into various kinds of belief systems and just speculating about things that i might want reality to be like and so forth that's not what i'm proposing that's not what this project is this project is a collection catalog like i said of of concepts and principles that you can use to guide your life insights that you can yourself have everything that i talk about can be directly validated by you and if it can't then you shouldn't believe it and then it isn't true so truth is not based on what i say truth is not based on you having faith in the things that i propose truth is not based on the logic of what i say truth is not based on how persuasive i am truth is not based on how many subscribers i have how many clicks i get how popular i get what kind of tv shows i get on what kind of interviews i do and all that truth has nothing to do with that the truth of the things i say are in the ideas themselves and in fact if you make this work about me this is a problem this work is not about me i am just a vehicle i am an imperfect flawed underdeveloped vehicle that is delivering truths insights and principles and understandings that are of the universe they are not coming from me as a individual human they are coming through me and i'm just one medium to express these to you and of course if i can tap into these insights and have these realizations and share them with you that means the source that i got them from you can go to that source directly and get them yourself and in fact this is imperative that you do so everything i talk about must be derived for yourself you must validate everything i say because one of the core problems core epistemological problems that we face when we are born into this world is who do we believe there are so many different people out there and groups trying to fill our minds with ideas and philosophies and worldviews telling us what to do how to think what's good what's wrong what's evil what's worthwhile to pursue what's not worthwhile to pursue you have christians and muslims and buddhists telling you different things and hindus telling different things and jews telling you different things then you have the scientists and atheists telling you a different subset of things then you have your agnostics telling you something else and then you have your new agers telling you something else and there's a different different categories of new agers that will all disagree and tell you different things uh so who do you believe who do you trust well of course the obvious answer is you don't trust anybody you don't believe anybody you have to undertake a serious commitment to investigate these matters for yourself can you believe me no how would you know that i'm not deluded that i'm not factually wrong that i don't have a bias or some sort of financial agenda to mislead you or whatever you have no idea nor do you have such an idea about anybody else that you learn from not from your professors not from the doctors you go to see uh not from the lawyers you consult with not from the scientists not from the academics not from the other youtubers out there not from tony robbins or any other self-help teacher you just don't know that's where life starts you just don't know the problem though is our mind is very much like a computer it gets filled programmed with beliefs and worldviews and assumptions from very very early on from before you were even fully conscious of yourself as a human you were already getting programmed this is crucial to understand and to realize how just how significant this is because you see now when you're trying to really change yourself and to grow yourself and that's what we're talking about here is growing ourselves and getting much better results in our own life to achieve that what we need to do is we need to focus on the internal workings of the mind and we need to start to question many of the programs that were installed in our mind in the first let's say 20 years of our development and upbringing in education because during these initial 20 years we hardly questioned anything that we were programmed with we didn't question our religion very much we didn't question science very much we didn't question history very much we didn't question nutrition very much we didn't question culture we didn't question entertainment we just assumed that all this stuff is just the way that the real reality is the world is but actually all of these were interpretations very limited very highly partial perspectives and and uh interpretations and beliefs that were programmed into our minds which are now running the one thing the gatekeeper for all of the results that you get in life if you're struggling to attract women if you're struggling to get the husband you want if you're struggling with addiction problems whether it's porn or drugs or smoking or alcohol or whatever food if you're struggling with finances if you're struggling with your fitness and your weight if you're struggling with your emotional state like depression anxiety and these sorts of things if you're lonely if you're suicidal if uh you're not happy with life if you feel demotivated and lazy all the time if you're stuck in a rut playing video games endlessly and achieving nothing in your life the solution to that is to change how your mind works that's the ultimate solution to all of those problems the problem is not out in the world if you have a financial problem yes of course the problem is that you don't have money in your bank account but this is way too short-sighted a way a way to look at it the true problem is how you're thinking about money how you're thinking about your career and your job and your work that's the deeper problem that needs to be addressed and so one of the first principles i'll give you here one of the most fundamental principles if you really want to change the quality of your life if you're really fed up with the with the bad results you've been getting is you need to stop blaming and making excuses for how all the external factors out there aren't aligned so that you get the kind of good life that you want you need to take responsibility and you need to realize that actually it is you who is responsible for perpetuating your suck situation and that the only one who can turn it around is you this is both a good thing and a bad thing it's a it's a good thing because hey uh it means you can change and you can get a quality life it's a bad thing in that you're gonna have to it's gonna sting your ego a bit to admit that you're not taking enough responsibility so a lot of what we're doing here as we're growing and developing to higher levels as we're taking more and more responsibility for our life we stop living it according to the standards and and norms of everybody around us and uh we actually take control of our life whereas before we were just living on autopilot and one of the most important things you got to take control of is your own mind you see because your mind is keeping you stuck in patterns of thought and emotions and behaviors which are perpetuating the precise kind of mediocre results that you've been getting that have made you so demotivated and lazy and depressed and frustrated with life see your mind is like a computer i really like this analogy we can take this analogy very far once you realize that your mind is like a computer you can appreciate that in a computer and we could be talking about a desktop computer or a smartphone doesn't really matter they're both computers uh your computer has multiple layers of software in it at the surface layer it just has your basic apps microsoft word or your facebook app or something like that just the basic apps that you use these are these are apps that your grandma can use without too much thought basically the apps on your iphone are designed for the for the dumbest people on the planet so they can still click with their fat fingers and still get something accomplished and buy something that's how these apps are designed and i mean that's fine that's good we want the apps to be simple but but also i mean this is this is the level of interaction at which most people are living their life is it the level of using apps the apps that and then for most people it's even worse than that it's like they use the apps imagine if you got a phone pre-installed with all the apps you're not even you're so you're so irresponsible with your use of this phone that you don't even know how to install an app maybe your grandma is like this she doesn't know how to and you got to do it for her um but she but once you do install a few apps for her and she learned you know through some difficulty she learns how to use a couple of her favorite apps okay she gets that down and then she can use that and she can man it but then you know we need to install a new app she doesn't know how to do that or when something goes wrong with the old app it needs to be updated she doesn't know how to do that and she clings to the old app even though there's newer ones that came out that might be better because she doesn't want to learn how to use the better ones so this is exactly what's happening with most people around you is that see their mind has come pre-installed with apps as they were in the first 20 years of their development all that stuff you learn in school through your family through your church all the moral systems you learn the worldview you learned all the basic science you did in history all of that created a a core a core foundation and then programmed you with uh with a bunch of these uh preset default settings and really it goes the problem is much worse than just not being able to change an app on your phone the problem is much deeper because you have your app layer below that you have the operating system layer and then below that you have something even more fundamental which is like the bios the kernel of the operating system itself the assembly language in which the operating system is written like the very lowest level uh of hardware software interaction and so of course most people have no idea how to code a new app they couldn't design their own app if they're live dependent upon it let alone how to change the operating system recode the operating system let alone how to actually get into the like binary code of the bios and start to tinker around with with that assembly language type of low-level code and so because of this most people are going through life simply using the stuff that their mind was programmed with not consciously programming their mind with new software and then going even deeper than that but but questioning the very foundation of their whole world view which would be like questioning the operating system rewriting the operating system because you see your operating system was not something that you consciously designed for the first 20 years of your life your operating system was just what you were born with you know the instincts that you were born with as an animal basically as a homo sapien and then and then 20 years of schooling and various kinds of education and programming that resulted in some kind of operating system for you whatever that is if you were in a christian environment you have a christian operating system if you were a muslim you have a muslim operating system if you were an atheist you have an atheist operating system if you were raised a scientist in a sort of a scientific household where your parents were teachers or professors and they were very secular then you have a secular operating system but all of these are still operating systems they're not all the same some of them are worse than others they have different pros and cons and advantages and disadvantages some of them are more conscious than other ones uh some of them will limit you a lot more than other ones but still basically all of them limit you severely even if you were raised in a high quality like let's say your parents were mit professors and they raised you really well and read you all the good books and raised you with a nice high quality secular modern world view uh you're still gonna max out your human potential at three percent whereas a christian they'll max it out at half a percent or a muslim half a percent all right um so don't go thinking that just because you were raising a secular and you have a secular worldview that this now somehow um means that you're you're maxing yourself out no you're not um so you see the problem here is that if you want to get significantly better results than the average or what you've already been getting for most of your life if you want something something drastically better you can see how it's not going to be enough just to rearrange the apps on your phone that will get you some results but it's not going to deeply fundamentally change the way your phone operates if you want to really change how your phone works upgrade your operating system or if you really want to get fancy and you really want to do some cool stuff with your phone that is going to be blowing people's minds because see to blow people's minds you just got to do something that their phone can't do so how do you do that well you got to root the phone jailbreak the phone and then you can do some really fancy stuff i don't know if you've ever looked into jail breaking phones i've done it a few times on my older phones and it's it's an interesting it's an interesting experience it's very technical it can come with a lot of risks and problems um yeah you could spend you can spend hours and hours pouring through various kinds of technical doc documents and obscure esoterics you know um programmers speak and jargon to try to understand how to unlock your phone jailbreak your phone and then how to install new operating systems and change various kinds of settings that the manufacturer didn't want you to change and that's really the heart of actualize.org that's what makes it different than all the other common self-help teachings that you'll find out there is that yes we talk about rearranging the software on your phone sometimes i give basic business advice basic financial advice basic career advice basic love advice sex advice this sort of stuff i give that advice sometimes but really i only give you that advice to the extent that you need it in order to get more interested in actually working on the operating system and ultimately what we want to do is we want to get down to the kernel level and start to tinker around there because that's where the real change happens that's how you become super human is by tinkering around deep in there and understand this because we live in the dark ages nobody almost nobody in society in first of all they don't even know this is possible this is outside the realm of their possibility space so even doctors and scientists and self-help gurus generally don't know that there's this possibility that's one problem uh the other problem though is that they will actively discourage you from even trying this they will fear monger about it they will say it's impossible they will say it's crazy they will say it's a cult they will say it's a it's some new age stuff they will say it's just wishful thinking they will say it's just philosophy and theory it's just ideas after all what can an idea really do to change your life don't underestimate the power of even a single idea to change your life new ideas will change your life but see most people are closed-minded they're so close-minded and this is a feature of their operating system you see how close-minded or open-minded you are is a setting within your operating system the more closed your your mind is the more locked down the entire ecosystem is so a closed mind is sort of like the apple the apple ecosystem where you can't you can't do anything they don't allow you to do anything it's not this like nice free open source sort of linux operating system where you can screw around and change stuff and branch you know do different branches in this and that and change settings to your heart's content and you know do whatever but of course you see there's a trade-off here the apple ecosystem why is it so popular because it's designed for morons the apple ecosystem is designed for morons but that's actually what makes it so smooth because there's very few settings you just do what apple tells you to do it's a locked ecosystem you can't really do anything else you got to go through their app store jump through all their hoops and if you're willing to do all that and you're just willing to be a sheep then it's perfect for you because it's convenient it's simple and that's how most people live their life you can tell i have a anti-apple bias here um at least as far as their software goes um their their hardware is pretty good um although overpriced and uh so so so we got that analogy going um but but you see once you get on onto a windows machine or a linux machine or something like that you can you can really get in there sort of tinker around the settings you can you can make it work in in much more optimal ways for you because you see apple when it designs its walled garden ecosystem it's not designing it for your for the maximization of your potential as a human it's designing it for the maximization of apple and its profit margins likewise when society is programming you with various ideas and worldviews and belief systems it's not doing it with the objective of getting you to superhuman levels of human development and satisfaction in life when you're going to school or university they're not interested in any of these things they're they're just they're following some sort of cultural norms and objectives that are good for society perhaps and even that is questionable um but are not not good for you if you want to reach the highest levels of of your potential as a human and live the best life possible you see nobody at school was interested in teaching you how to live the best life possible isn't that amazing it's amazing right i mean we're we're alive the one thing that connects all human beings and really all all living beings is that we're all alive so given that we're all alive when the most obvious thing to be is to start teaching a child how to live a good life but of course that assumes that you know how to how to live a good life that the parent does or the teacher the professor they themselves have to know it first which of course they don't we're living in the dark ages they themselves don't know so it's not some sort of evil conspiracy where government is trying to keep you down it's just that they themselves don't know you see the only way you can really teach somebody how to reach the top superhuman levels of development is by going there yourself which very few people have done and the only way to go there is by jail breaking your mind which very few people have done so returning to the jailbreaking of the mind example you know i've done this in the past it's it's tricky there's dangers for example if you if you jailbreak your phone in the wrong way you can you can actually break your phone your phone will stop working entirely you'll have to just throw it away it'll be useless or you can make all sorts of mistakes and the trade-off is that it's complicated it's hairy you can make mistakes you can install stuff that's not right you can install a virus in there whatever you see when you're in the simple apple ecosystem apple handles most that stuff for you and you have to worry about those details and that's how mainstream society is designed if you just want to go through life painting by numbers following the herd and getting the kind of results that the herd gets you'll get about three percent of human development that's about all you'll you'll get in your whole life and uh your level of passion and fulfillment will be around three percent if you want more than that you're gonna have to do some more uh advanced work you see and that comes with trade-offs it's it's more complicated it's more nuanced there's more traps there's more potential for failure ways things can go horribly wrong um it it requires a lot more time and energy more responsibility on your part you have to be serious about it you have to stick with it for for years and for decades it's not something you can do in one weekend it's not some sort of magic pill or quick fix for anything in your life so the key thing you have to understand is that the idea that we've been implicitly taught as we grew up is that there is this objective world and the subjective world has objective physical laws and rules that everybody has to follow and that people get certain results by doing certain things and that there's not much that can really be changed about any of that and that that stuff is not part of the mind that stuff is out there it's part of the world but that itself you have to see that whole world view is itself just software in the mind that can be changed that's the operating system of your mind you can go in there and start to tinker around with it but but it's tricky it's tricky because you see all the stuff you've been taught in your life science history morals religion even ideas you have about spirituality whatever you think that might mean uh or ideas about god if you bring all of those you see are locking down how your mind is able to think it's it's preventing it's not giving your mind enough degrees of freedom to be able to outmaneuver and break free of those limited ways of looking at the world there is no such thing as an objective external material world out there that is separate from the mind the mind and the material world are fused together and how your mind thinks and sees the world literally is the world that is seen out there now at first this seems a little far-fetched because you start to wonder like well leo so i can just imagine a million dollars and it'll show up on my door doorstep no unfortunately it doesn't quite work that way it's it's complicated you see it's not simple this is a very ingenious mechanism of life and reality and mind the mind is a beast of deep deep deep intelligence and complexity you have to work through this complexity to unlock your mind jailbreak your mind but you know in these phones the manufacturers they install anti-jailbreaking software on a samsung phone which is what i had when i was jailbreaking one of my earlier phones um they actually had a specific software had some name i forget what it was even called samsung has some sort of proprietary anti-jail breaking software which is running at the very low level it's running it's even running like almost below the operating system level because it needs to in order to stop hackers at the very you know you gotta if you're trying to stop a hacker you can try to stop him at the upper levels like with software it's not gonna work so well you can stop him trying to stop him at the operating system layer he can hack through that but if you try to stop him at the very bottom that's you know ideally you would stop them at the hardware level um but uh but or like at the kernel level and so um what i'm trying to say is that you need to outwit your own anti-jail breaking software in your own mind your mind isn't really interested in you going all the way down inside of it and reprogramming it and seeing how the mind constructs all of reality because the mind is in the business of constructing reality if the mind is in the business of constructing reality it doesn't really serve the mind's agenda to reveal to you all of the secrets of how it is constructing your reality because if you do that you're deconstructing reality and that's against the agenda of the mind so the mind has very powerful mechanisms within it to prevent you from going on this journey of jailbreaking you and you can see it's it's paradoxical it's strange loopy because unlike with a phone a phone is a separate object from you that you are trying to hack in jailbreak but what happens when you are the phone and you are the one who's trying to jailbreak yourself you can see how twisted that gets because after all you are trying to hack yourself and the system that is trying to stop you from hacking yourself is also yourself so which system is going to win which subpart of you is going to win because there's a one part of you that wants to jailbreak yourself and to free your mind and to experience radical new possibilities of consciousness and human potential and then there's other parts of you that doesn't want to change that is just lazy scared angry bitter doubtful skeptical cynical and close-minded and just doesn't want to change you have both of these forces within you my job as a teacher here is to show you the possibility and to inspire you to connect with that part of you that wants to liberate yourself that wants something more out of life because if you'll notice most other people in your life are not going to encourage you or inspire you to do this in fact they will do the opposite they will may say it you go to them and you tell your parents about how i'm jail breaking my mind and i'm going to change my operating system all this and you know your parents are christians or they were raised muslims or they were atheists or whatever and they tell you whoa what do you think you're doing you're crazy you've joined some sort of cult and now you're gonna jail break your mind and then what and then what's gonna happen you're gonna lose your mind you're gonna go insane it's they're gonna fear monger to you and your own mind will fear monger to you and that's right because you're going into the unknown for all you know i could be some cult leader or i could be uh someone who's gonna you know tell you to do something with your mind that's gonna end up you know frying your brain and killing you for all you know that's possible but that is that is the nature of the beast the nature of the game because what we're doing here is we're exploring uncharted territory this is the distinction that very few people make within society most people do not recognize the difference between living life or doing something in life which has already been done and well documented by others versus doing something for the first time or being one of the very few people who ever did this see most of the stuff that people do in life has been done by millions of people before and is completely well documented well known so it's completely safe all of the dangers that used to be there like for example when you go to study math all the dangers that used to exist with studying math have been completely uh child proofed for you there's no danger in studying math anymore there's no danger in learning english there's no danger in in in many of these things that you can learn and do in life because we've already we've already eliminated those dangers you know a modern car for example has a bunch of safety features that didn't used to exist in early cars it has safety belts air bags it's been tested to hell with computer simulations varying various crash simulations it's gone through hundreds of iterations and and different models to perfect it such that when you get into a car crash you'll probably survive chances are very high but if you got into a car crash in a car from 50 years ago that was another story no airbags no seat belts no crash testing very different animal no safety glass so um you see and and you had to go through that phase before you can get the safe cars you couldn't have safe cars before you went through the dangerous cars because it had to go through an evolutionary process well likewise in order to get out of the dark ages if you want to go beyond the center of gravity of your society and your culture your culture will only teach you how to get to its level if you want to go beyond that now you're on your own nobody in your culture not your teachers not your friends not your parents will encourage you or even understand what you're doing if you're trying to go beyond the center of gravity of your culture whatever it is see and the further you want to go beyond that center of gravity the higher you want to go the the lonelier it will be the fewer people will support you the fewer people will encourage you and the less resources you will have at your disposal to get there and also probably the more risks there will be because there's a good reason why people don't venture out too far beyond the herd it's dangerous beyond the herd there are wolves and predators out there there are sand pits and traps cliffs and gullies and raging rivers and tornadoes and thorny plants that you can stick yourself on so for the purposes of survival most animals stick with the herd and that's what you've been doing most your life but see i'm here to encourage you to go beyond that and i'm trying to share with you the concepts and principles that you would need in order to do that if you were going to seriously undertake this self-improvement project this is not an ideology you do not believe the things i say that is an obstacle to this work to really do this work you need to take my ideas test them validate them against other sources validate them against your own direct experience and in the end if it doesn't produce a transformation a positive transformation in your life then it's a bad idea and you shouldn't use it and also what's tricky about going back to the example of writing this instruction manual for how to live life that's what we're talking about here is um see it's not so simple it's just writing an instruction manual that works for all people because people are different people have different genetics different personality types um different metabolisms different physical appearances different needs different desires different fears different obstacles different capacities different strengths and weaknesses they live and were born in different parts of the world different environments different climates different cultures different levels of development of their of their countries different economic levels different physical ailments and diseases and obstacles so all of this determines what your instruction manual is going to look like the only one who can write your instruction manual is you in a sense that that's what life is about you're born without an instruction manual then you spend the next 50 years of your life writing the instruction manual for your own life by looking inwards and figuring yourself out you see most people are at such a low level of development they don't they don't even know what they want out of life they don't even know themselves deeply enough to know what they really want and what they don't want how can you get something that you want when you don't even know that you want it and then also most people are so naive and dumb about this process of pursuing their desires that it never occurs to them to take one step back and to question their own desires for example people desire money or sex or entertainment or partying or whatever a big house cars business success and then they go pursuing that just blindly and it never occurs to them to stop and to wonder wait a minute but how do i know that these desires are valid how do i know that these desires will actually produce the good life how do i know these desires aren't tricks and traps of my own deceptive operating system where desires come from were they programmed by culture by parents by teachers by stuff i saw on the tv when i was a kid watching saturday morning cartoons and getting pumped full of advertising the movies i've watched you see life is a lot trickier than you ever imagined the reason it's so difficult to jailbreak your mind is precisely because your mind controls you and manipulates you like a puppet master with your emotions see you can have all the fancy logic in the world you can be this rational scientist this sam harris type or this ben shapiro type who has the facts all the facts and all the sort of all the logic in the world uh but all that flies out the window when push comes to shove because their whole lives are run by emotions all of ours are because all logic is is a handmaiden to emotion when you get horny when you get hungry when you get thirsty when you get scared when your children are threatened when your life is threatened when your business is threatened how are you going to behave when you get jealous when you get angry bitter frustrated tired pissed off confused how are you going to behave your desires your cravings for food for money for fame for status for superiority over others see all of this runs you this is what really runs the show most people are run by all these emotions without even being aware of what these emotions are they can't even distinguish just this small list of emotions that i just rattled off in the list of courses much deeper than that and of course all these emotions have various gradations and they show up in different ways and it never really occurs to us to question these emotions too deeply we mostly just react to them when we're scared we try to quickly do something to alleviate the fear when we're angry we punch the wall or we yell at somebody or throw something at them when we're frustrated we we grind our teeth and we and we are in a shitty mood when we're depressed then we do something else you know when we're horny we go chasing for sex we when we want love we do stupid things in the name of love and when we try to question any of this of course the way the anti-jail breaking software in our mind works is that it says that's dangerous that's bad you shouldn't be doing that that's evil it's satanic it's impossible it's a waste of time it's just philosophy it's just mental masturbation it's never going to work you're always going to be stuck in this job you're always going to be fat you're always going to be lazy leo's just filling your mind with [ __ ] because he wants to get some money from you see you have to start to become aware of how sneaky your mind is all the thought patterns that your mind comes up with are all cleverly designed to keep your existing worldview in place and to not allow it to change change is a paradoxical thing because on the one hand when your life sucks you want it to change but see your mind doesn't like change what your mind wants is your mind wants all the fruits and benefits of the change without actually changing itself so if you don't have the money or the sex or the love or the approval or whatever that you want of course you want that to change and you want all those things to be nice and good you want pleasure and positive emotions in all those areas and success and wealth and all that but then when i tell you well yeah you can have that but you'd have to deeply change yourself then you would say oh well that that's crazy that's crazy why would i ever want to change myself how can i get all those things leo how do i get all those things without changing anything about myself well see that's impossible that's what keeps you stuck you have to bite the bullet and to say okay fine i'll change myself i'll change everything about myself it's tricky it's very counterintuitive mind lies to you your mind deceives you your mind bullshits you your mind gives you excuses and stories about why you can't change why you shouldn't change and in a certain sense your mind is right there there's good reason to worry about change because change takes you into the unknown the unknown isn't always guaranteed to be safe it can be dangerous it's possible to make a change for the worse in fact sometimes oftentimes you have to make a change for the worse before you can make a change for the better it's not always the case that you can just make positive changes immediately there's costs to making changes and ultimately the reason your mind doesn't want to change is because change you know what changes changes death and ultimately that's what you're afraid of when you're afraid of change you're afraid of death because if right now you are a fat lazy slob that goes to work in some dead-end job that doesn't exercise that has terrible nutrition doesn't read any books just you know watches trash on youtube and gets involved into conspiracy theories and whatever other toxic ideologies that are out there if that's the kind of person you are right now just taking a hyperbolic example um for you to experience a really deep fulfilling life at the superhuman levels of development that i'm proposing for you you would have to completely change and effectively that means you'd have to die that fat slob fat lazy depressed miserable slob that is irresponsible and is you know involved in these conspiracy that that thing has to die but that thing is what you're attached to that's the thing that's the last thing that you're willing to let die you want to somehow maintain that fat lazy slob while at this on the other hand getting money and success and sex and everything else that you want so um the solution to this is to is to grow up and to bite the bullet and to say [ __ ] it i'm tired of being this fat lazy slob i'm sick of these mediocre results deep down in my heart i know that life can be lived with more fulfillment and passion it shouldn't be this frustrating in this this mediocre and that i'm willing to actually do some work to change myself and i'm even willing to drown my old self in the bathtub if that's what it takes to make it happen and it's only when you reach that point that you can really get some serious results but even then that's just where the work begins that's just the beginning of the work you'll still spend decades now actualizing on that initial commitment and promise what you've discovered with actualize.org here is something very very rare you are not going to just you're not going to find this level of depth and quality of wisdom and life advice anywhere in mainstream media nor in most books most books and most teachers they don't give you the big picture what they do is they silo knowledge we have a huge problem of siloed knowledge today in society whether it's within science within medicine within philosophy within spirituality or whatever everybody's just becoming this narrow specialist and is good at one little thing you know within the scientific fields you've got like the microbiologists then you've got the uh you know the the quantum physicists then you've got the evolutionary biologists then you've got the psychologist then you've got the socio and they all are doing their own separate thing and they're not communicating with each other properly so they're not getting a holistic understanding of reality because all the parts of reality turns out they all interconnect perfectly together and you can't understand reality through its parts you need to understand reality holistically so one of the huge things that i stress is the holism of this work and you will discover that more and more as you get deeper into my content to really understand what you should be doing in life you need a holistic understanding of reality it's not enough to understand little bits and pieces because the way reality is it's very magical it's more than the sum of its parts way way way more so you got to study different sources different perspectives different fields and subfields and then bring them all together into something larger you are like the executive the chief executive of your life the chief executive is responsible for integrating and coordinating all the work of all the other sub departments within a corporation all the other vice presidents the marketing department the sales department the engineering department the research and development department they all need to be coordinated together to have a company working properly and the ceo's job is to sit there at the top like on a mountaintop looking down at all thinking about the future thinking about how all the different departments are working on their little narrow projects and making sure that they're all gonna do the right thing in the big picture because it's no good for example for the engineering team to design some sort of new contraption that the sales and marketing team are unable to market because there's no market for it that's no good and it's no good for the sales and marketing teams to market something that the engineers can't deliver on that's no good see so who's gonna look out to make sure that all the things are working smoothly the ceo likewise in your life people will be giving you all sorts of advice throughout your life telling you to do this and that you'll read all sorts of books but then who who integrates all of that and and makes the ultimate executive decisions about what you should do next in your life what kind of goals you should pursue what kind of desires and cravings you should maybe avoid or let go of or transcend only you who can write the instruction manual for your life only you i can't do it for you i can give you some building blocks but in the end you have to do it because you're unique and also because that is the joy of life this is not just we're not doing all of this as a grind to get to some ultimate peak enlightenment state although we are but uh uh we're also enjoying the process we're enjoying the journey because once you do reach your peak enlightenment state after decades of this work what you'll realize is [ __ ] i wasted 20 years of my life grinding through to get to this ultimate enlightenment state and really all this enlightenment state tells me is that i should have just been enjoying those last 20 years why was i so stressed you know struggling and fighting with myself that's the that's the circular nature of this work that's fine you're gonna struggle it's gonna be difficult at times it's going to be frustrating you're going to get confused you're going to make mistakes you're going to fall into traps you're going to you're going to make epistemic mistakes the anti-jail breaking mechanisms in your own mind they will they will outsmart you it'll take you years of trying to outsmart them before you learn to successfully outsmart them because they're going to outsmart you more than you smart them for the first 10 years of your life as you're doing this work really what this work is is it it's philosophy it's philosophy but since we're living in the dark ages our mainstream notions of what philosophy is are very corrupt and distorted philosophy falls into one of two camps usually camp number one is people who regard philosophy as just pure mental masturbation completely irrelevant to human life and uh just nonsense uh and then camp number two are the professional academic philosophers who have turned philosophy into a into a farce where it's not even true philosophy it's a history of philosophy you you pick a couple of dead old white men uh like descartes or kant or liveness or whatever and then you go study them plato aristotle you go study them with a with a magnifying glass you study their text and then you you try to ask yourself well what was what was plato really thinking was he thinking this or was he trying to say that and then you argue with somebody else some other philosopher who's in your field and say well no he was actually trying to do this and then you argue write papers and it's all technical nonsense completely disconnected from reality and improving one's life and really trying to understand what what reality is i was a philosophy major in university and i was very disappointed with my philosophy education because the true reason that i went into philosophy was to to do this work that i'm doing now to understand how to live life and to answer the deepest questions about the nature of reality because i can't know how to live life until i understand what reality is you get that you can't either see until you know what reality is how can you know what you should be doing in reality what's good what's bad what's worthwhile what's not worthwhile how can you answer those questions without understanding what reality is so that's the ultimate most fundamental question but see today's philosophers aren't interested in this they argue about technical minutia that's completely disconnected from reality every i mean everyday life and uh they have no idea really they have no understanding of reality itself what they understand is they understand the works of old dead white men but they don't understand reality this is very unfortunate what we need is we need to return society back to a to an appreciation of the function of philosophy as in a sense the king of all sciences and fields of of knowledge everything else is a subfield of philosophy really whether it's physics math psychology biology chemistry all of these fields are deeply permeated by metaphysical and epistemic and philosophical questions that are not properly addressed by these fields which is why these fields are stuck and are not able to make progress in understanding reality at the deeper levels that are possible so i recommend you become a philosopher a lover of wisdom not just as theory but taking on the burden of when you understand something new about reality and it's a true and a deep understanding the burden then is upon the philosopher to embody that understanding it's not enough to say oh well yeah i know that god exists or i know that uh so and so that you know that i know that that money is not needed for happiness or i know that whatever um i know what suffering is okay yeah you know what suffering is but do you still suffer see to truly understand what suffering is is also then to transcend it to truly be able to understand what happiness is and what money is is to also be able to not be under its spell anymore so in the classical ancient greek sense the true philosophers were those who pursued a deep penetrating inner understanding of reality and themselves and then embodied it you pursue the understanding so deeply that it transforms you one of the biggest problems with modern science and with psychology especially is that these psychologists they have a lot of theories and they work with they work with a lot of patients and they might help them in certain ways but they don't truly embody what they're doing they treat the patient or they treat their science experiment as though it's separate from them or they treat the theories or the work or the research that they do as though it's separate from them as the individual such that it's just it sits at the top surface level of their mind it doesn't transform the actual operating system in the kernel of the bios level of of their own mind and this is very obvious once you get to levels that are very deep because once you yourself understand how to transform your own bios and you've done enough of that then you're going to see very clearly which people have done it and which people have not which people understand how it works and which people do not similar to how a hacker will recognize a hacker and it's very easy for a hacker to see that your grandma is not a hacker but it's difficult for your grandma to really understand what a hacker understands see so what we're talking about here is a philosophy that is intimately connected with all of the results you get in your life that you're unhappy with because you see with a scientist like a scientist can go like a chemist can go into the lab do his work on his research experiment then he can come back home he can drink a bottle of whiskey because he's tired he wants to unwind he can he can even curse at his wife because you know his wife is annoying him for whatever reason because he was working late and not making love to her properly he doesn't know how to how how to properly make love to his wife because he's just you know he's like this academic nerd type he's got money problems uh he's got emotional other emotional problems like baggage from his childhood and whatever else and so but this is this is considered acceptable for a scientist because a scientist is just a narrow specialist who works you know on on chemistry in a lab and when i'm working on chemistry in a lab it doesn't matter if i abuse my wife it doesn't matter if i can make love to my wife properly it doesn't make matter what my emotional state is none of that matters as long as i can just do the lab work but this is a this is a very fragmented approach to reality in the end a scientist is supposed to be pursuing an understanding of reality but science has become so overly specialized and utilitarian that it's completely disconnected from that scientists are in no way doing science in order to actually transform themselves which would be the true function of science sciences function is not to create cool gadgets the function of science is to deepen our understanding of reality and to transform ourselves and society in alignment with that and really that's the function of philosophy science is philosophy centuries ago science was called natural philosophy it was a subset of philosophy when the ancient greek philosopher heraclitus was asked by one of his students or onlookers how did you reach this state of enlightenment he became enlightened he said i studied myself above the temple door at the oracle of delphi in greece there was an inscription that read know thyself that's true philosophy because the truth is that there's nothing but the self if the mind and the world are one which they are you are the world and therefore to know yourself is to know the world the mistake though is to try to know yourself by looking into the world you'll never achieve that you'll never know yourself through the world you can only know the world through the self so you've got the process backwards turn around do a u-turn go deeply inwards the deeper inwards you go the better you will start to understand the world than reality and now i want to conclude with my final point which is that and look pay very careful attention right now because this will change your whole life ideas change your life one idea can change your life listen to this no human has ever told you that total understanding of reality is possible no one has ever told you this i am the first person in your life telling you this total understanding of reality is possible and that is our goal our goal is not to meet some petty survival needs of yours we'll try to meet them as much as we need to in order to get you to survive long enough to reach something higher but our goal is way beyond that our goal is total understanding of reality for its own sake if you achieve this goal total understanding of reality that is the only thing you want in life nothing else matters everything else is just a distraction from that total understanding of reality imagine if you understood the origin and function and purpose of the entire universe seems far-fetched seems outlandish seems utterly impossible given what sciences tell you but consider that maybe those are just limitations programmed into you in your childhood and that they aren't really true what would happen what do you think would happen if you were able to go so deeply into this project or endeavor of jail breaking your mind that you broke through every single limit of the mind what would happen if your mind became unlimited maybe that's possible how do you know unless you try it people have done it i've done it at least for short periods of time i'm not saying that you won't be able to fall back into delusion or problems you will self-deception is inescapable in this work mistakes are inescapable in this work do not beat yourself up for making mistakes make more mistakes fail faster you can't avoid epistemic mistakes in this work it's too tricky make the mistake and just learn from it take responsibility for it change your behavior for next time some mistakes you will repeatedly make for hundreds of tries you need to have enough perseverance to fail hundreds of times to break through that's just one of the principles of being successful there's hundreds of principles hundreds i've outlined them throughout all of my work i encourage you to go and and look through my vast catalog of content and material and to take it very seriously get serious about life like get really serious about life stop screwing around stop playing video games stop wasting your time on social media stop being a sheep with your friends all all of them are idiots they're wasting their lives and you better believe they're going to suffer for it and pay dearly for it the biggest regret you're going to have if you start doing this work today if you make a commitment to do this work for the rest of your life the biggest regret you'll have 10 years from now is that you didn't start this work 10 years earlier this will work will transform your life you will not see the world in the same way again you will access new levels of consciousness and understanding that are super human beyond science beyond religion beyond dogma and ideology you will understand the purpose of life you will transcend your fear of death you will discover levels of love and passion and fulfillment that you never thought were possible this work will bring you to tears of joy and happiness but not immediately it's going to take vision and foresight and commitment from from you to do some years of work before you can start to tap into just some a little bit of these amazing fruits that i'm talking about and if you got to begin with basic stuff begin with basic stuff if it's money it's money if it's sex it's sex if it's nutrition it's nutrition handle those basics build that basic foundation most of you are missing that that's what you need and i have some older content about that and i'll have some more content in the future about that because i know how much you need it in a sense my job is to build a bridge between the highest ultimate understanding and then the level that most people are at which is not very advanced and so all of my content is trying to be like a staircase that moves you up and up and up and up and up and up but i warn you though this content by the very nature of it it's radical there are some radical ideas here there are some radical consequences of this work most people do not appreciate the radicalness of this work until they get some number of years into it and then it starts to dawn on them and even then they still don't understand nearly how radical this work is because reality is a radical thing see and since the results are so radical that also requires a radical mind a radically open mind a radically serious commitment to life i recommend you stop playing around seriously commit to life beyond the meeting of your survival needs what if from today onwards you would no longer live life from meeting of your survival needs but for something beyond that what might that be your connection to life itself feel into the fact that you are conscious and alive right now this feeling of connection with reality and just if you reflect for a moment on the fact that you exist at all try that that's profound what you really want is a profound life you don't want to be wealthy you don't want a fast car you don't want a harem of girls you don't want the perfect husband and children what you really want is you want a profound connection with life that moves you to tears that's what you really want and in those moments if you think back in your life where you were able to get that for little glimpses little brief periods whether you were looking at a sunset or you watched some artistic movie that moved you or you were making deep passionate love to your lover or you looked into the eyes of your child when when it was born those all those moments what they really were were you getting that sense of profoundness from life that is you connecting with spirit otherwise known as consciousness that is the whole function of spirituality all of spirituality boils down to one thing that prof cultivating a profound connection with life to such a degree that you you practice it every day more and more and more and more that after a certain point that sense of profundity is everywhere it permeates your entire field of consciousness and awareness and then you're living from that place you're interacting from that place with people you're working from that place your work connects with that all your elements of your life align with that your relationships your career your life purpose your finances and then that is the good life the good life is not so mysterious people have known about how to live the good life for over 5000 years the problem though is that living the good life is a radical move and it is not something that most people easily accept therefore it can't be sold to them it can't be marketed to them it can't be put into the form of a of a magic pill or a pharmaceutical it can't be uh you know it can't be part of some sort of cult or religion it can't be codified in some sort of one two three abc paint by numbers formula that everybody can follow like a like a sheep and then reach the good life the good life has to be engineered by you and you can't have the good life so long as you're deluded by all of the programming that has been injected into your mind like a virus hijacking your natural spiritual connection to them to reality because we live in the dark ages and so even though mankind does and has known about how to live the good life and what reality is and ultimate understanding for over 5000 years in practice it's extremely rare because nobody is going to spoon feed it to you no one can do this work but you and the only way you can do it is by having a vision of it in your mind a vision so juicy so compelling that it excites you to wake up in the morning and get to work roll up your sleeves and then work for 8 10 12 hours to do the stuff that is necessary to to move yourself in that direction and this catalog of material that i have assembled is going to be the closest thing that you'll find in society that is trying to spoon feed you this information i hope you appreciate that you